Saturday, March 31, 2012

Auctions for free stuff at

Tuesday, March 27, 2012

100% free, forget the other dating sites who lie and say fre then try to charge you for signing up.

If you don't read this you may never wake up! A Revealation to us all.

Hello and thanks for reading my blog, im not a member of any organization, I am a follower of Jesus Christ and his teachings I studied with the American Bible Academy, in depth studies of Christian doctrine, the life of Jesus, the works of Josephus, the ecclesiastical history by Eusibius, in depth study of the New Testament and many prophecies of the Old, The main reason for my blogs are to inform you, the reader, of whats happening in the world today, so that maybe you'll awaken from the fog that is encompassing your thought patterns, Forget everything you ever thought you knew and, remember this, (EVERYTHING WE DO HERE , OUR JOBS, OUR TELEVISIONS, RADIOS, SPORTS, SCHOOLS, EVERYTHING OF THIS WORLD, IS TO DISTRACT YOU) distract you from what you might be asking yourself right now.......Let me lay it out so that you will not be confused and cannot understand the meaning of what im about to tell you. Satans # 1 goal is to destroy the image of God, well we Humans are the image of God, so by keeping us distracted from searching out the truth...(let me repeat that)so by keeping us distracted from searching out the truth, in the end he will have led you of the path of rightousness and down the path of complete and utter distruction and an eternity of hell, thereby detroying that which Jesus came to redeem back to the father by the shedding of his own blood, they say that fear of the Lord is the first sign of wisdom, the reason for this is because it is he, and he alone, that can destroy your body and soul, and by keeping you distracted from seeking the Lord and his free gift of eternal life the devil accomplishes what he has set out to do, (DESTROY THE IMAGE OF GOD), we are not the only ones here don't forget the Bible says that there were giants in those days, and also after, meaning in the days before the flood and the days after meaning even today, they are the Nephilim, the offspring of the Fallen Angels, the man created in Gods image are the wheat in the parable of, (the wheat and the tares), you can read of this in the New Testament in, Matthew chapter 13, verse 24-29, guess who the Tares are???? The Tares are the souless evil beings known as the Nephilim, yes the children of those Angels that were cast out of heaven, took wives as many as they chose. Not to be confused for non believers as many of the Pastors and preachers tell it. Yes unbelievers will go to Hell but the bigger picture is what the Lord just explained to you through me, but study the spirits to see which one is true, (meaning study the different religions to see which one is true). If you study you will know and show thyself approved, 2 Timothy 21, verse 20, reads (study not to be confused with work) it reads, Study to show thyself approved unto God, a workman that needeth not to be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth. The Lord has been warning us for more than 1500 years, (YOU ARE SENT FORTH, INTO THE MIDST OF WOLVES) do not believe what anyone tells you to be true about the Lord or the Bible without studying and asking the Spirit for guidance yourself, because by doing so your just making that persons beliefs, your own, therefore not studying to show thyself approved. (the midst of wolves remember)

Any comments or Questions are welcome, and thanks again for reading my blog, spread the news and share this with anyone and everyone you can , help us in the fight to wake up the masses.
                                                                                    God bless you all in Jesus name
                                                                                               Your brother in Christ

Saturday, March 24, 2012

Okay here we go, Check out cop talks about fema camps on youtube, Now I will say this with urgency loud and clear. (WAKE THE FLIP UP YOU IGNORANT BLIND BASTARDS) so to all of you who are awake and see whats up, but it seems to me the blind are getting more and more ignorant each day, (BUY GUNS AND JOIN THE MILITIA AND HELP OVERTHROW THIS CORRUPT GOVERNMENT.

The fall of America, at the hands of United States Government.: Important that you do not ignore this post read it...

The fall of America, at the hands of United States Government.: Important that you do not ignore this post read it...: The Political leaders-namely President Obama and his administration must be taken out of office, charged and tried for treason. We are no lo...

Friday, March 23, 2012

Important that you do not ignore this post read it in full.

The Political leaders-namely President Obama and his administration must be taken out of office, charged and tried for treason. We are no longer "The United States of America" , the District of Colombia is now occupied by a foreign entity who cleverly fooled everybody by Using the name (The United States Government) here's the proof, this was copied from a Governmental document that I saw with my own eyes.                                                          "Military. Pertaining to war or to the army; concerned with war.
Blacks 6th.

Note: The amendatory act to the trading with the enemy act of Oct. 6 1917 - namely the emergency Banking relief act of March 9 1933.

Defined the American people as the enemy legally of, the "United States Government" because of the U.S. bankruptcy, through which the private International Federal Reserve System "became the government"

(Creditor of the United States)
Ramifications of the Bankruptcy - The nature of  Federal Reserve.

We are not a country we are now a corporation being ran by a foreign government that took over back in 1933, we are it's enemy and they are not for us, they are against us, and are fixing to take control of us under the guise of protecting us for national security reasons, they are already training foreign troops in theses so called fema camps and have already got a color coded system for those to be killed immediately and for those who they think they can conform through their indoctrination of lies and deceit, they've implemented a system with the postal service, if you find a red sticker on your mailbox one day it means you are to be killed immediately, you are a threat to their agenda, if you find a blue one you will be imprisoned in the fema camps and brainwashed (indoctrinated) to suit the agenda of making you slaves, it's all about the Elite (the rich) they are wiping the middle class out so there will only be those who make decisions (the rich) and those who carry out the orders for those decisions, the poor (you and I) this is no joke it's happening, watch these videos on youtube, (cop talks about fema camps) is a must see. Then watch the Fox News segments with (Glenn Beck exposing fema camps) and from there you will start putting the pieces together and find a lot more out as you open your eyes and wake up from the matrix of the American dream and finally see reality, and your place as an individual in it, Oprah Winfrey is an evil evil souless seed of the angels that were cast out of heaven, the bible talks of giants, it says their were giants in those day's and also after, meaning in the days before the flood and after the flood, they are the Nepilim, the offspring of the Fallen Angels, Oprah Winfrey has six toes, that is a direct characteristic of the Nephilim, you can study the bible for this truth, if you read the verses of the bible after Goliath was killed it goes on to say and there was another battle at Gath where they came upon a huge man who had six fingers on both hands and six toes on both feet 24 in total, they still grow with us, the parabel of the wheat and the tares, The created images of God, you and I, are the wheat, the evil souless offspring of Satan are the tares, are you starting to make sense of anything yet, study study study,  2 Samuel is where you can read about the Nephilim (Giants) and the reason I say study study study is this, 2 timothy 21 verse 20, Study to show thyself approved unto God, a workman that needeth not to be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth. How do you show yourself approved unto God ???? The truth is out there. God bless and God speed, don't be one who's left behind because the end is fast approaching.